ネット遺産消滅--楽天 infoseek HP9万件 の続き
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インド、中国、日本、韓国、メキシコなどどこ が最初になるかは知らないが、
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祝島--上映スケジュール 関東の詳細
4年に一度のお祭り 神舞(かんまい)は、
1997年 日本は ”終了”予定だった可能性
ヴァチカン ”みんなの神”(予定)=偽神の”御言葉”を押し頂いている
Black is White, White is Black!
Those mind manipulating tactics are
nothing more than brainwashing.
自分で感じて判断しなくて はならない時代』 に、
73,000 Wordpress blogs shut down by U.S. Government (今年7月)
Homeland Security shuts down dozens of Web sites without court order (今月)
“Illuminati” (Per Darryl Eberhart, Editor of ETI & TTT): “The modern version of the Illuminati (whom some folks falsely believe is a Jewish-led group) was formed on May 1, 1776 by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, who had previously taught Roman Catholic Canon Law at the Jesuit College at Ingolstadt in Bavaria (southern Germany). Jesuit Adam Weishaupt PRETENDED to leave the Jesuit Order so that he could set up a Jesuit front group called the ‘Illuminati’. This Jesuit front group, the Illuminati, planned, fomented, and orchestrated the bloody French Revolution of 1789-1799. By using this Illuminati front group, the Jesuit Order was given a great degree of ‘plausible deniability’ about the key role that it had played in the French Revolution.”
The Georgia Guidestone
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
.. つまり、世界人口69億人のうち、64億人以上は”消す”
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広島・長崎 被爆 65周年記念
the sixty-fifth=(11)=9/11)
*Going on then to recall that this year marks the sixty-fifth anniversary of "the tragic atomic bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki", Benedict XVI said "this tragedy is an insistent reminder to us of the need to persevere in efforts to promote disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear arms.
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原爆と911 共通点--地上起爆--飛行機はトリック
THINKER blog 『広島平和記念日に考える』 以下 抜粋
ロスチャイルド家の屋敷を利用して作られた ユダヤ人移送局だったのです。
原爆開発における人体実験の実相 河井 智康氏【訳著】
アメリカ政府は、イラクの 核開発疑惑を捏造していたわけです。
イランや北朝鮮などの 国連非加盟国による核保有を非難し、
日本が完全におかしな国になっていることを示す わかりやすい例です。
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It is not Zionist or Khazarian Jews – or Israel – or Jewish neo-conservatives who have been – or are – running the USA, as some folks allege. RATHER, agents of Papal Rome have been running the USA for over a century! Yes, they do occasionally place a Papal “court Jew” in a prominent position (e.g., the head of the Federal Reserve) to give the New World Order conspiracy a Jewish “flavor”; however, Papal Rome is the real controller of the USA! (And she rules the USA from “behind the scenes”!) ... Darryl Eberhart
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*参照:Monday, November 29, 2010
VATICAN CITY, 27 NOV 2010 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received the Letters of Credence of Hidekazu Yamaguchi, the new Japanese ambassador to the Holy See...
"Efforts to construct the unity of the human family through international co-operation will help build a global economy in which all the world comes to occupy its rightful place ..
"The Holy See", he concluded, "encourages all nations to work patiently to weave a political and economic fabric of peace,...
The Holy Father then went on to refer to the freedom of conscience and worship which exist in Japan, and the opportunity the Catholic Church has "to live in peace and fraternity with everyone in the country"...
Examine: Satan's false Religious "Agent" the masonic "Pope"
Nazis salute 写真
Catholic Bishops giving the Nazi salute in honor of Hitler
.. under the guise of "PEACE AND SECURITY"
リスボン条約 ---- NWO ---- 2012 ---
The purpose of electing Barack Obama to the presidency is to further the Jesuit order's purpose-- to enact and enforce the demonic Roman Catholic Council of Trent in America and to totally eliminate the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the genuine fundamental Protestantism, Christianity...by Tony Alamo "TREASON" (PDF)
尊敬する『上』が 光ギライの『ドラキュラ』かどうか、調べた方がいい
(注) プロテスタントなら安全とか ~教ならOKなんてことは--ナイ
--Alberto Rivera:
I was invited to attend a secret black mass by high ranking Jesuits in a monastery in the northern part of Spain. When I knelt to kiss the ring of a high official, I saw a symbol on that ring that made my blood run cold.
It was a masonic symbol! A thing I hated and I had been told to fight against it. Everything was falling apart!!
Black Pope (The Jesuit General)
who actually runs the Vatican in Rome,behind the scenes...
was also a mason and a member of the communist party in Spain.--
石井紘基氏に 見えていたもの
原爆投下を 神の恩寵と思い、
少年の町のフラナガン神父を招いて 福祉事業をはじめさせ、
日本のラビ・バトラ 忍野昭太郎氏(仮名)の予告
ヒエラルキー(身分階層制)purpose------Destroying American Empire
Adolfo Nicolás Pachón, 2008 AD
The Black Pope
Planning the coming World War in the Far East
イルミナティ(ヴァチカン/イエズス会)の計画↑に 入っている
The Illuminati has planned a "nuclear confrontation"
on the Korean Peninsula as part of their World War III scenario.
...This New Age book was published in 1981,
well before events began to swirl toward the Middle East or Korea
--PDF (Dr. Scott Johnson)
"There exists in this country
a plot to enslave every man woman and child.
Before I leave this high and noble office,
I intend to expose this plot."
- President John F. Kennedy - 7 days before he was assassinated.
the Great Vatican Jesuit Global Depression
-how the Vatican and Jesuits have deliberately manufactured this crisis...how all this points to a possible future war, which is still possible to avoid...
99.9% of good Catholic and Christians have absolutely nothing to do with the evils perpetrated by a few thousand thoroughly corrupted individuals. Sadly they are the ones who are held hostage and deceived the most.
Alberto Rivera reveals Jesuit plan of taking over America YouTube
Ex-Jesuit, late Dr. Alberto Rivera reveals the Jesuits' plan of taking over America and the world to establish an one-world-religion and an one-world-government of
what John Paul II called the New World Order.
★ ★ ★
May 21, 2010
Five of our aboriginal members and activists have died
since December, and a sixth is missing and presumed dead.
All of these people were public critics of the Roman Catholic church's killing of residential school children, and had participated in protests against this church and the Anglican Church and the United Church of Canada.
We believe that these activists and eyewitnesses were murdered,
now that the Catholic church especially is potentially facing criminal charges for the Pope's personal complicity in the rape and torture of children - and Canada and its churches may be censured and investigated by European politicians and human rights groups...Kevin Annett (www.hiddenfromhistory.org)
The Roman (Catholic) Cult by One-Evil.org
A brutal and bloody cult -- involving child sacrifice, burning people alive (since 11th Century CE), demonic worship and absolute celibacy of its lowest priests -- its epicenter for such evil being the giant Phrygianum atop Vatican Hill since the 2nd Century BCE.
Investigative Journal
The Jesuit Native American Indian School system
and the Canadian Native School system were designed
for genocide and mass murder of children
with religious and political cooperation.
---それ以上何もできないものを 恐れはしない
我々の幸福は 肉体的に苦しんだり 死んだりしない ということにはなくて
---良心と理性に 忠実であること
トルストイ『光あるうちに光の中を歩め』 訳:北御門二郎氏
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「アメリカ」を操るイエズス会 --- タイタニック号--原爆
The Catholic Church is not Christian at all
Remember well!
The French Revolution is nothing less than
a prototype of what the whole world is soon to be plunged into.
If Rome has cleverly deceived the world of her innocence
of the atrocities of the French Revolution,
she will surely appear like an angel of mercy for what is to come...
“The Grand Design Exposed” by John Daniel; pg.262
You MUST ask yourself who has been//is (since 1540) behind every genocide on this Earth? (Inquisition(s), Rwanda (1994), French Revolution, WW1, WW2, Bosnia, CONtinuing, never ceasing Pharmaceutical/Medical Inquisition? (Revelation 18:23) search: Sorceries/Pharmakeia).
IT WAS NOT THE JEWS! Certainly for appearance sake, some have been set in high places just as the Jesuits have set blacks and other races seemingly amidst themselves to keep the eyes off the Vatican to appear to be a loving 'Mother' of all. This is the Ecumenical, Charismatic net of love they have cast upon mankind. The (7 hilled city of Rome)...Avenueoflight
なぜ 長崎市長・伊藤一長氏を殺す必要があったか∵シナリオ遂行の邪魔 長崎平和宣言2006すべての核保有国の指導者は、この写真を見るべきであります核保有国は、核軍縮に真摯(しんし)に取り組もうとせず、中でも米国は、インドの核兵器開発を黙認して原子力技術の協力体制を築きつつあります 伊藤一長・前長崎 市長の言葉と今を重ね合わせて原子力資料情報室日本原発「初の輸出」
同国政府に対しても正しい情報提供がなされてきたとはとても思え ない。
情報格差を利しての原発輸出は、まさに「最悪の公害輸出」である。History of Catholic Aggressiveness in JapanThe Jesuits in Japan伊丹万作氏--『騙された者の罪』「粗大ゴミ」を癒 す「可愛い」女性たち(日本社会) 抜粋『「弱い」日本の「強がる」男たち』 宮本政於氏(精神分析医) 以下抜粋「信じること、疑わないことこそ日本人」もしもこうした発想が心の奥にあるのであれば、それ自体、疑ってみる必要がある。なぜなら、この発想こそ「服従」 が昇華したものであるからだ。上 司、先輩、先生などと呼ばれる人たちの価値観に挑戦してみよう。どうして「強がる」男 たちに支配されてしまったのかを知る必要がある。「心理的な去勢」教育を受けてしまっ た--それが結論だ。彼らは国民を弱い人間としておきたいのだ。支配する側に立ってみれば、そのほうが楽であることは誰にでもわかるだろう。「心理的な去勢」とは国民を弱い存在にしておくための催眠術だ。 でも、催眠術だから、その呪縛から自分を解くことも簡単だ。
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The Pope & Islam
Do you understand what it means to KISS a book? Catholics have always been taught to kiss their Bibles if they dropped unto the floor. Priests as far back as I can remember have kissed the Bibles after reading from them at mass each week. I know, I was Catholic 29 years. The kiss was a form of extreme respect and reverence.
Yes, I know it sounds hypocritical for Rome to do that,
but this is Rome,
the ultimate wolf in sheep's clothing we’re talking about.
For the Pope to kiss the Koran is to say
it is a book worthy of extreme respect and reverence.
So I ask, just what do we find in this book
the Pope loves to caress and kiss?
Is it really a book worthy of extreme respect and reverence?
Surah 5:51 "Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number. God does not guide the wrongdoers."
Surah 9:73 "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate."
Surah 9:5 "When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them."
聖月が過ぎたならば,多神教徒を見付け次第殺し,またはこれを捕 虜にし,
かれらのために道を 開け。
Surah 5:33 "Those that make war against God (Allah) and His apostle (Muhammad) and spread disorder in the land shall be slain or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land."
これらはかれらにとっては現 世での屈辱であり,
Surah 22:57 "Those that have embraced the true Faith and done good works shall enter the gardens of delight; but the unbelievers who have denied Our revelations shall receive an ignominious punishment."
-The Koran,
Translated by N. J. Dawood, Penquin Books, London, 1999
It’s easy actually to see how the Pope would embrace such a book as this.
For the words of this book, sound amazingly like those of the Vatican
during the Inquisitions were countless numbers of Christians
died for their faith. Rome has a history of killing Christians,
and as we see in the Koran, so does Islam.
Now do you understand why they are joining forces?
Birds of a feather do indeed need to flock together
to get a work such as this done for the ultimate unclean bird!
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History of the Jesuits
By Dr. J. A. Wylie LL.D.
During the Second Vatican Council, Dr. Rivera was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc.,
in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition!!
Dr. Rivera read many top secret documents that
linked the Vatican to the creation of Islam and Communism etc.,etc.
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The Koran (日本語に設定可能/ Other Languagesの欄にあるJapaneseにチェックを入れる)
The Authorized
King James Version (KJV) of 1611
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The Catholic Church is not Christian at all汝の敵を愛するキリスト教の精神を- 装った- 巨大カルト集団
The Croatian Ustashe were a Catholic outfit that formed the Nazi government in the Croatian part of former Yugoslavia, then renamed as the Independent State of Croatia, in the period leading upto and during WWII. The Ustashe were in league with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy during the war.
What is unique about them is
that the largest number of their victims were not Jews or Romany
- although these two groups were murdered by them as well -
but another Christian group: the Ortodox Serbs. The Catholic Church had for centuries considered the Orthodox Church one of their primary enemies.After WWII, when the communist dictator Tito came to power in Yugoslavia, the communists indulged in their trademark history-rewriting and the numbers of those massacred in the country were suppressed. Tito struck a deal with the Vatican and released the criminal Ustashe priests from imprisonment...
What is the Vatican hiding? by Barry Lituchyhttp://freetruth.50webs.org/A7b.htm#VaticanHolocaust☆ ☆ ☆Propaganda has been used by the Romans for thousands of years. The answer of the Antichrist on the Reformation in the 1500's, often the date 1517 is given, where Martin Luther would explain the hypocrisy of Catholicism on the Wittenberg Temple door, the answer of the Papists was the Counter Reformation. Counter Reformation was started with the erection of the Jesuits in 1536, official acknowledged by the Pope in 1541. From 1545 to 1563 AD, the Council of Trent took place, where the Catholic Church designed a strategy for killing all the people, that would refuse to become papists (=Catholics).Japan was very much involved in this.
The Japanese history was described by Avro Manhattan , Vietnam, why did we go.(In chapter 18, he describes the Japanese history in the context. )That book is censored over here in Europe.
It described the real reason for the War in Vietnam
by the Americans some 50 years ago.
I find it surprising,
that Eric Jon Phelps doesn't mention it in his programs,
how all these Americans are killing Buddhists
for the Pope in Vietnam.They are doing the same thing in Burma today,
while Dali Lama ダライ・ラマ is their agent
by denying what really happens in Burma,
promoted by their Papal media.The Buddhists in Burma are killed,
in order to make Burma Roman Catholic,
just as was done in Vietnam...Geus
Roman Empire Power Over China & The Far East.. YouTube1/3 中国(China) タイ(Thailand)2/3 日本(Japan)9分頃~3/3 日本(Japan)最初~ 中国(China)ベトナム(Vietnam)
http://www.anti-rothschild.net/truth/part2/find.html"Jews"should be replaced with the word "Illuminati"--William CooperThe shadowy "Illuminati" was in fact founded by a Catholic Jesuit---Adam Weishaupt. シオンの議定書 第十三議定厄介になるかも知れない連中に政治の諸問題に首を突っ込ませないようにするのに、われわれは政治に代わるものを熱心に勧めている。政治に代わって何か没頭できるものがあれば、群集は政治活動の類いから手を放して一服することに異存はない。彼らが かかずらうことを解き当てさせないように、われわれは
芸術、スポーツなどありとあらゆる種類の競争を始める。こういうことに関心が向けられれば、われわれが彼らと争わなければならない問題から、彼らを完全に遠ざけるだろう。われわれの王国が実現した暁には... This is why it almost certain to happen, if not starting to happen right now-- people being murdered as heretics in government facilities loyal to the Vatican satanic cause.
And the only reason it will happen, get worse and no one senior will ever be arrests (like those who murdered 18 million in World War II and walked away free) is because
good people bury their heads in the sand and
refuse to acknowledge what is in front of their faces. http://one-evil.org/acts_global_depression/acts_global_depression_04.htmトルコと中国の動き--THE GOG MAGOG WARペンタグラムで予測-メキシコ湾他2009映画 「メキシコ湾原油流出」ローマ教皇 ベネディクト16世 Pope Benedict XVI 就任2005年 4月19日---------------------”役割”The Next Pope-12 UCAGIB (1-16) YouTube
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Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome
By Charles Chiniquy PDF
Rome is in constant conspiracy against the rights and liberties of man all over the world; but she is particularly so in the United States.
Long before I was ordained a priest, I knew that my church was the most implacable enemy of this Republic. My professors of philosophy, history, and theology had been unanimous in telling me that the principles and laws of the Church of Rome were absolutely antagonistic to the laws and principles which are the foundation-stones of the Constitution of the United States.
1st. The most sacred principle of the United States Constitution is the equality of every citizen before the law. But the fundamental principle of the Church of Rome is the denial of that equality.
2nd. Liberty of conscience is proclaimed by the United States, a most sacred principle which every citizen must uphold, even at the price of his blood. But liberty of conscience is declared by all the Popes and Councils of Rome, a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost.
3rd. The American Constitution assures the absolute independence of the civil from the ecclesiastical or church power; but the Church of Rome declares, through all her Pontiffs and Councils, that such independence is an impiety and a revolt against God.
4th. The American Constitution leaves every man free to serve God according to the dictates of his conscience; but the Church of Rome declares that no man has ever had such a right, and that the Pope alone can know and say what man must believe and do.
5th. The Constitution of the United States denies the right in any body to punish any other for differing from him in religion. But the Church of Rome says that she has a right to punish with the confiscation of their goods, or the penalty of death, those who differ in faith from the Pope.
6th. The United States have established schools all over their immense territories, where they invite the people to send their children, that they may cultivate their intelligence and become good and useful citizens. But the Church of Rome has publicly cursed all those schools, and forbidden their children to attend them, under pain of excommunication in this world and damnation in the next.
7th. The Constitution of the United States is based on the principle that the people are the primary source of all civil power. But hundreds of times, the Church of Rome has proclaimed that this principle is impious and heretical. She says that "all government must rest upon the foundation of the Catholic faith; with the Pope alone as the legitimate and infallible source and interpreter of the law."
I could cite many other things, proving that the Church of Rome is an absolute and irreconcilable enemy of the United States; but it would be too long. These are sufficient to show to the American people that Rome is a viper, which they feed and press upon their bosom. Sooner or later that viper will bite to death and kill this Republic. This was foretold by Lafayette, and is now promulgated by the greatest thinkers of our time.
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By Jack.T.Chick
Billy Graham at Roman Catholic Belmont College receiving the yoke from ROME. Graham was granted an honorary doctor's degree from this Roman Catholic College. Graham told his audience that the 'Gospel that founded this college is the same gospel which I preach today.'' Dr. Rivera, the ex-Jesuit priest, told me he knew Billy was being used by the Vatican in 1950 when the word came to all the Jesuits in Central and South America telling them to fill the stadiums with Roman Catholics whenever Billy Graham spoke. Millions were spent to promote Billy Graham as the world's greatest evangelist.
想起:専制君主出現を予告したJEFF BUCKLEY-ハレルヤThe notorious Zionist propagandist, Billy Graham, is currently raking in millions of dollars to finance his propaganda work for Israel by distributing a movie "The Upper Room", about the supposed terrors of Nazism, yet he has ignored many letters asking why he doesn't film stories from The Gulag Archipelago. (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)★ ★ ★
フランクリン・グラハム (ビリーグラハムの息子)2002年 ビリー・グラハム伝道協会の総裁に就任テレビ伝道師*2010年10月22-24日に日本で伝道大会、
総来場者数 31000人
--想起:随想 吉祥寺の森から
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Mark7:6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
*テレビ伝道師 ---
テレビ神 通俗の神々-何百万の人間を殺す戦争をも生み出せる
-テレビ=”洗脳” Turn off the box-洗脳する者こそ、だれよりも洗脳されている
Nobody is more indoctrinated than the indoctrinator.
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Mark 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me,
teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
431年 マリアを“神の母”と高め始めた(Ephesus宗教会議)
593年 教皇グレゴス1世によって煉獄教理が紹介された1215 神の代わり司祭に罪を告げる告白聖事が
1229 聖書を禁書目録にいれ一般信者たちの接近を禁止した1950年 教皇ピウス12世によって、
--想起:縄文語--【神々の詩】 姫神日本の【神】というのは、
【人間の死後の霊を祀って言う言葉】なのである。霊を祀る=霊をまつる=霊をなぐさめ、祈願する天照神は 男性である。崇敬すべき慈愛あふれるばかりの人格を持っておられ生身の人間であられた天照神の死後の霊を、超越神のようにしてしまったのが 古事記、日本書紀の大神である。女神にしてしまったのは、聖徳太子関係者の知恵であろう。以来、今日まで 日本人は この古き時代の天照神の真正の性格を 忘却させられ、西方伝播の 異神によって 変えられてしまったのである。その元凶は 聖徳太子と思われる。それ以後、本来 日本にはなかった【神】の概念が入ってきて、これが【宗教】として 日本に根付くことになる。
⇒見えるもの... 手塚治虫【火の鳥】太陽編--2009企業禅--滅私奉公--洗脳する側戦時に協力した禅の指導者たちHugo Enomiya(愛宮)-Lassalle(ラサール)神父イエズス会 広島で被爆??? 上智大教授。原田祖岳ら に禅を学ぶ Aiun-ken Hugo Makibi Enomiya-Lassalle (1898–1990)
was one of the foremost teachers to embrace both Roman Catholic Christianity and Zen Buddhism. ⇒さらに見えるもの..原爆と911 共通点--地上起爆--飛行機はトリックBobby G. LimetaAllegedly as per corrupt historical records, the B-29 dropped the Atomic Bomb and approximately half a million Japanese was annihilated. After the atomic bomb blast, Jesuit Priests emerged from the building rubbles 8-city blocks away from the heart of the A-Bomb Explosion and ALIVE & WELL. These are Jesuit Priests - Fathers Hugo Lassalle, Kleinsorge, Cieslik and Schiffer. According to them it's a miracle that the Blessed Virgin Mary saved them through constant rosary prayer. (原爆投下=「カルト集団の仕業」≠「神の恩寵」)
1090年 隠遁修士人Peterによって聖母にささげる“バラの花束”の意味の“ロサリオ”すなわち黙珠祈祷が考案された
How these Jesuit Priests survived Atomic Bomb Blast within GROUND ZERO (Center Of Explsoion Impact).
They did, simply because they were the detonators.
These Jesuit Priests emerged to the surface from underground, after the A-Bomb blast.
German Jesuits (probably physicists) at Hiroshima who assembled and detonated the atomic device on the ground under the supervision of the future Jesuit General, Pedro Arrupe. The bomb, Little Boy, dropped by Enola Gay was a diversionary magnesium flash bomb loaded with uranium. The magnesuim airburst flashed, the Jesuits then detonated their atomic devices and radioactive uranium rained down on the city. Hence, the Vatican's Airborne Nuclear War Hoax was born!
6 Jesuit scientists
from Jesuit powerhouse Georgetown university..☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ルカによる福音書Luke 3:14
King James Version (KJV) of 1611And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying,
And what shall we do? And he said unto them,
Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely;
and be content with your wages. 今の聖書(New International Version)はこれが...兵士たちも、彼に尋ねて言った。
「私たちはどうすればよいのでしょうか。」ヨハネは言った。Don't extort money and don't accuse people falsely.「だれからも、力ずくで金をゆすったり、--???無実の者を責めたりし てはいけません。
自分の給料で満足しなさい。」最近の”聖書”は、Do violence to no man を聖書から消し、
Don't extort money ”力ずくで金をゆすったりするな” と。1959年の日本語版聖書を見ても... 既に 改竄されている。「人をおどかしたり、だまし取ったりしてはいけない。自分の給与で満足していなさい」聖書を改竄していく動き ⇒ 命の軽視非常に重要な 言葉の力
暴力全否定⇒改竄--黄色点滅 部分否定≠聖書
∵ JesusDrivenLife.org
Who publishes the NIV and NASB and their sibling version? It's Zondervan, owned by Harper Collins Publishers, which is owned by News Corp, which in turn is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the Catholic media mogul who is very close to the Vatican. 難語を用いて人々を聖書から遠ざけるNIV訳聖書 以下抜粋英語圏において、権威ある訳信頼できる訳は何といっても
AV (Authorized Version:権威ある訳) と呼ばれるKJV訳です。 しかし、この訳を何とか駆逐、追いやり、古いもの、無価値であるとして、
人々から遠ざけようとするあらゆる 試みがある様です。
との世評もその「操作」の一環の様です。 しかし、実際に調べ、比較してみると、
シンプルな単語が多いのに、 逆に近代訳の聖書の方がやけに難しく、
誰も使わない様な意図的な難語が使用されているのがわかります。 これらの難語は、結果として、人々を「聖書」から遠ざけていきます。
「人間は 結局 言葉です。人間を人間ならしめるものは 言葉です。人が どのような言葉を見出し、
どのような言葉を 内に抱いて生きる かによって、その人の 人間としての中身が 決まります。」盲目的に命令に従ってはならない(ドイツ社会)非人道的な命令については、