2009映画 「メキシコ湾原油流出」
----Goldman Sachs sold $250 million of BP stock before spill Source
---- Oil from the biggest spill in U.S. history could spread this week to threaten the coasts of Mississippi and Alabama, according a weather forecast that comes as the Atlantic hurricane season officially starts...June 1 (Bloomberg)----
Remember that each Illuminati Card represents an action the Illuminati is planning to take which would overthrow our existing civilization so that they could set in place the New World Order. Therefore, this oil rig explosion -- which is fulfilling the Illuminati Card exactly -- was carried out by the Illuminati and not an accident...cuttingedge.com
イルミナティカードゲーム ('95)--シナリオを読む
ユダヤ世界支配シ ナリオライター=ノストラダムス
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"Knowing" movie and the Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico 2010
メキ シコ湾 原油流出事故の映像(現実)が ピッタリ重なっている。
FOX NEWS にかけて MOX NEWS として映画の中で報道している。
(mock: (動)バカにする、人をあざける (形) みせかけの にせの)
-- 想起:9・11の映像(現実)と その半年前のTVシリーズ(フィクション)
The FOX TV series The Lone Gunmen (X-Files spin off) airs their opening episode "Pilot" six months before 9/11 which depicts a secret U.S. government agency behind a plot to crash a Boeing 727 into the WTC via remote control and blame it on foreign terrorists in the hopes of generating a bigger military budget. "PILOT"Episode #1AEB79Original airdate 03/04/2001 "They're going to crash the plane into the World Trade Center. "Why didn't that media pick up on this bizarre coincidence of life imitating art?
仕込みの リストラ首切りゲーム
アッチの 「筋書き」を白紙にする=脱・洗脳装置
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このMOX 、実はMOX 燃料のヒッカケの可能性。
映画Knowing の中で、
時計が 11:59 から12:00 へ変わる。
12:00の文字のすぐ右下にな ぜJAPAN ?(1分20秒/3分)
1945年 7月29日に 米軍機か ら撒かれたビラ
『証言 2008 ヒロシマ・ナガサ キの声 第22集』
遺稿 私の原爆体験記 山田勝 美氏(当時16歳)
『舞い落ちてきた ビ ラ』
戦争も 終末に近づいていた近くの川で 魚を釣っていた時、
空から 紙片が ヒラヒラと舞い降りてきた。
それは 小さなビラで 時計の中に
時計は12時5分前を 指していた。
びっくりした2人は それを持ち帰り 皆に見せた。
米軍機から撒かれたビラも その図もあまり ピン と来なかった。
それから10日 後に 原爆落とされようとは夢にも思わなかったからだ。
アメリカのシカゴ大学に設置してある「世界終末時計」 ☆
その終 末(午前零時に設定)までの残り時間を象徴 的に示す時計
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イリノイ州 シカゴには...BP-- Nalco Holding Co.
シカゴ大-- オバマ--「フリー メーソン」を「イエズス会」に置換-クーデター編
バクスター社(ワクチ ン)--ワクチンを 打つも避けるも自分が決める
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------想起:マヤ暦は 地球の終末を予言していない
と明確に 述べています。
メキシコ国立自治大学、マヤ研究センターのTomas Perez氏
一旦 2012年12月23日 終了する。
と明確に述 べています。
El calendario maya es el sistema de división del tiempo astronómico más exacto y antiguo del planeta. Pero no predice amenazas para la civilización como las que recrea la película más esperada del momento, “2012”. ☆
聖書からイ エスを消していく動き
ワクチンを 打つも避けるも自分が決める
ミツバチの 減少とケムトレイル
secretbonus comment:
"81" and when did it happen?
4/20/2010 --- 4月20日にメキシコ湾原油流出
4+2+0+2=8 and 0+1+0=1
I find it weird that at 11:59 the clock is normal but after 12:00 when the clock "resets" so to speak, Japan is on the bottom right hand corner.
Well there's talks about countries defaulting as mortgages reset, there's talk about the solar flare in 2012 and crazy stuff. I'm no coincidence theorist, I do know that Goldman sold BP stock JUST in time. Meanwhile Bilderberg group is meeting in Spain soon for the next few days.
宮崎県 口蹄疫の疑似患畜の1例目確認(農水省)
コロンバイン高校銃乱 射事件
(脳を守るに は--クスリを遠ざける)
パチンコ議員は 口蹄疫議員だった kororin5556
山田正彦農水大臣 (カトリック信徒)
赤松広隆 前農水相
『カストロに会うこと、これが私は 赤松大臣が口蹄疫よりも
その理由だと思っています。』 YouTube
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CODEWORD BARBELON by P.D.Stuart pg.202
Wherever a totalitarian movement erupts,
whether Communist or Nazi 【i.e. fascism】,
a Jesuit can be found in the role of 'adviser' or leader;
in Cuba 【it was】Castro's 'Father' Armando Llorente.
Casro himself was Jesuit-trained at various Jesuit schools,
including El Colegio de Belén, a Jesuit boarding school in Havana!
...Emanuel Josephson
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TIMELINE C.2 “Terminator 2: Judgment Day”☆
April 19, 2011: Skynet is activated.
April 21, 2011: Judgment Day.
John Connor leads the human resistance.
プロテスタント運動 1529年4月19日
アメリカ独立戦争 1775年 4月19日
ローマ教皇 ベネディクト16世 Pope Benedict XVI 就任
2005年 4月19日
--想起:JFK Blows The Whistle on Secret Societies!
When the Illuminati assassinated President Kennedy, he was killed according to the occult number signature of eleven [11]. He was killed in the 11th month, on the 22nd day, and on the 33rd parallel. He was also killed in the Masonic Dealey Plaza, the most powerful secret society in the world today to whom the number 11 is extremely important.
The Number 11 was a most powerful occult signature underlying this entire event. When it was successfully carried out, occultists the world over knew exactly what had happened and who had carried it out.
2009年 MOX(偽)NEWS "11人"行方不明
2010年4月22日実際に"11 人"行方不明
11 missing after Gulf of Mexico oil rig blast
Munich games ended on "September 11th",
1972 Scripted to sacrifice"11" Israeli athletes
to cause global hatred for Arab people
more: The World Government Terror Cryptocracy YouTube & PDF
"13"s are World Government Eastern Intelligence signatures.
"11"s are signatures of Western intelligence.
Munich games ended on "September 11th",
1972 Scripted to sacrifice"11" Israeli athletes
to cause global hatred for Arab people
ニューヨーク州は 合衆国11番目の州
New York City 11文字 --偶然?
→ペンタグラ ムで予測-メキシコ湾他
---9/11 New York (WTC) is
the capstone of their symbolic pyramid
→The Jesuits in Japan
→the Pope’s pro-Socialist-Communist United Nations
domiciled in Roman Catholic New York City...EJP
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原油流出の目的-- 災害に見せかけた人口削減
Oil Spill Crisis Map
Why does BP refuse to stop using the chemical dispersant the EPA ordered BP to stop using?--It would also be a problem for hidden ecosystems deep under the gulf. There, scientists say, the oil could be absorbed by tiny animals and enter a food chain that builds to large, beloved sport-fish like red snapper."It kills them because it prevents them from feeding," said Professor James H. Cowan Jr., of Louisiana State University. "It could essentially starve them to death."..by Elizabeth Allen Global Research, May 31, 2010-----想起:
There is a sizable Jewish community, located mainly in South Florida;
no other Southern state has such a large Jewish population.
---Oil Spill Threatens Native American "Water" Village
Atakapa-Ishak Tribe
“Well this is the Grand Bayou Village and we are a subsistence community. We have been here for centuries. And we live here. We make our living from the harvest of the waterways and this is also where we get our food that we eat.”
Rosina Philippe is Atakapa-Ishak, a Native American tribe. Like others, it is not recognized by the federal government.
For decades, the Atakapa and other native groups here have adapted to the loss of wetlands, the encroachment of the oil and gas industry, and hurricanes.
But the latest spill could be the final straw.
Fishing and shrimping is at a standstill,
and the oil keeps creeping into the marshes.
The largest oil spill in U.S. history is killing wildlife,
contaminating beaches and marshes, closing fishing waters and…
threatening an entire way of life. Source
--想起:1人でも地球のた めに出来ること--良い念を送る
The Georgia Guidestone
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
.. つまり、世界人口69億人のうち、64億人以上は 消す
Yoko Ono(オノ・ヨーコ)*, the widow of John Lennon,
was recently quoted as referring to the American Stonehenge,
"I want people to know about the stones ... We're headed toward a world where we might blow ourselves up and maybe the globe will not exist ... it's a nice time to reaffirm ourselves, knowing all the beautiful things that are in this country and the Georgia Stones symbolize that. " (1)
What is the true significance of the American Stonehenge, and why is its covert message important? Because it confirms the fact that there was a covert group intent on
(1) Dramatically reducing the population of the world.
(2) Promoting environmentalism.
(3) Establishing a world government.
(4) Promoting a new spirituality.
Certainly the group that commissioned the Georgia Guidestones is one of many similar groups working together toward a New World Order, a new world economic system, and a new world spirituality. Behind those groups, however, are dark spiritual forces.
--- Without understanding the nature of those dark forces,
it is impossible to understand the unfolding of world events.
--想起:12月8日December 8
1941年12月8日 ハワイ真珠湾攻撃開始Attack on Pearl Harbor
1980年12月8日 Yoko Ono(オノ・ヨーコ)*の夫ビートルズのジョン・レノン射殺される John Lennon's assassination
.. 1980年 The Georgia Guidestone 完成 1+9+8+0=18=666
日本航空123便 墜落事故 1985年8月12日
1993年 オノ・ヨーコが、「ジョージア・ストーン」という曲を作った際に、このモニュメントを評価。完成した1980年、米国は「ブレジンスキー&カーター政権時代」。FEMAを設計したカーター政権時の大統領補佐官ブレジン スキーは「全国民に対し、反抗心を司る脳の前頭葉を切り取る「ロボトミー手術」を行う事で、国家の治安維持が可能になる」と著書で主張..
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I believe this information has been intentionally suppressed because those who were killed were largely Christians, and the covert forces which control the reality of the American public today do not want the followers of Jesus Christ in our nation to awaken to their peril ...until it is far too late. Hitler hated not only Jews and Judaism, he also hated Christians and Christianity as well. Why was that? Because Adolf Hitler, just like Margaret Sanger, was a disciple of theosophy and of Madame Blavatsky, the founder of a religion that worshipped Lucifer. Accordingly, both Margaret Sanger and Adolf Hitler were energized by the same "dark, spiritual forces."
"The Population Control Agenda" by Stanley K. Monteith, M.D.
*Yoko Ono(オノ・ヨーコ) were heavily involved in the occult. John purchased entire sections of occult literature in bookstores (Hellhounds on Their Trail; p. 181). The Beatles advocated Communism... Lennon performed at anti-America rallies and called upon America to leave Vietnam to the communists. He said: "I really thought that love would save us. But now I'm wearing a Chairman Mao(Cult of the All-Seeing Eye) badge, that's where it's at. I'm just beginning to think he's doing a good job" (Lennon, cited by Wenner, Lennon Remembers, p. 86). Source
--想起:Natural News
Biotech company secretly releases
millions of GM mosquitoes in Cayman Islands
which is located on the southwest coast of Grand Cayman.
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The secret meetings between government officials, agencies, and BP continue to allow for the ecological destruction of an enormous area of the US and the Gulf waters. BP has one of the worst environmental safety records. Nothing is even remotely fixed. This used to be one of our planet’s most vibrant ecosystems. Now the contamination, death, and destruction will be with us for possibly generations. Oil has been found even along the Atlantic Ocean as far up as New Jersey. Any fish or crustaceans caught in the Gulf are not safe to eat. This is another tragic/epic example of how corporations with their legalized “personhood” have decimated the planet.. Foudingfather1776
★ ★ ★ ★ ★イルミナティカードゲーム('95)--シナリオを読む
1947年の「逆コース」 今年60年の居心地
--続き;ペンタグラ ムで予測-メキシコ湾他