謎の光--A地点にもB地点にも 変電所は無い
Google Earth を持ち出してまで、仙台変電所と誤報をしてました」
NHK「画面の奥の方で、大きな明かりが ついて 消えました」--直後停電
ヒエラルキー(身分階層制)purpose------Destroying American Empire
Peace between Arabs and Jews is not the goal of the Foreign Elite
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4月28日の福島原子炉黒煙は報道された? 再掲
住民への【ヨウ素剤配付】を願う 再掲
Police called in reports that a missile was fired
from the Woolworth building,
but video evidence shows it was not a missile.
it is more likely to have been a Tesla type weapon.
If the Towers simply fell down in a pancake collapse,
where did the powerful energy come from to toss cars
onto their backs like match boxes
melt their steel and even set them on fire
more than half a mile from the WTC? spudXXXX
投稿者 かたかた法師 以下抜粋
HAARP存在 もしくは航空母艦ロナルドレーガンによる
電解質溶液である 海水により水の分解が進み、
従って、稼働中でない原子炉5、6号も4号同様の進 行を辿ると考えられる。
--想起:ヘンリー・メイコウ が元記事から削った箇所
Check Out The Facts & Evidence
http://mygodimhit.com/jboys.pdf (PDF)
By Brian David Andersen
Jesuit Weapons of Mass Destruction
For over 100 years the Jesuits have controlled
the powerful electromagnetic field (EMF) devices of
Nikola Tesla whose father had full access
to ancient manuscripts in the Vatican Library.
The Jesuit/Tesla EMF devices provided to the United States,
Russia and other nations are used to control weather,
cause earthquakes and
conduct covert communications and surveillance such as
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP).
The stated goals of the Jesuits are
to crush the protestant reformation and
put all humans on Earth
under the rule of the Vatican Pope.
This reality is not a conspiracy theory but a fact.
Check out the facts and evidence.
原爆「イエズス会-- EMD-- EMF」と「9/11」
With the Kobe earthquake in Japan
Government Earthquake Device, AIDS
As A Bio-Weapon Based On Alien Excretions
By Phil Schneider
"The federal government has now invented an earthquake device.
I am a geologist, and I know what I am talking about.
With the Kobe earthquake in Japan,
there was no pulse wave as in a normal earthquake. None.
In 1898, there was an earthquake in San Francisco.
There was no pulse wave with that one either.
It is a Tesla device that is being used for evil purposes.
The black budget programs have subverted science as we know it.
--想起:関東大震災 1898年よりも後 --- 1923年9月1日
--想起:関東大震災--東大図書館 焼失--ロックフェラー財団400万の寄付
By Harry Mason
The EM technology for creating weather engineering, earthquakes,
city busting explosions, or zapping space craft and/or
UFO’s is basically the same system
- they just differ by the amount of energy
per micro second per square meter poured into your target.
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Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake
05/18/2011 technology review
Infrared emissions above the epicenter increased dramatically
in the days before the devastating earthquake in Japan, say scientists.
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HAARP Lights Showing Up at Every Big Event Around the World
havf8 桜島3・11 福島4・11 宮城4・7--謎の光
All of these events that I show on this video has Happened all around the world but in the past 3years , but what makes these Light that you see in this video significant, is that these lights all occurred in the last two months since March - to May. Now the last two clippings happened on May 12, 2011 at 1:00 am Central Time in Wisconsin and the second happened in Fort Worth, Texas at 3:00 am Central Time.
Now you have to ask yourself when you look at all these clippings where do you see a fire or smoke from the so called Transformers? Also where is the Lightning that they claimed that caused these last two video clips So called transformers that where blowing up in the footage.
1. They where not transformers.
Every light that was called transformers
that blew a powerful illumination of light was all caused by HAARP.
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石井紘基氏に 見えていたもの
なわ・ふみひと氏 つぶやき6 「日本消滅」を予言した李鵬
――『イルミナティ悪魔の13血流』 (フリッツ・スプリングマイヤー著)より
上を向いて歩こう=仄めかし=ケムトレイル 以下抜粋
The shadowy "Illuminati" was in fact founded by a Catholic Jesuit,
a professor of Cannon Law, who was working for the Pope
- Adam Weishaupt.
極め付けは映画【2012】 PDF
Vatican Design Exposed by John Daniel
What is being described in the movie "2012", is also planned to become very much a reality! This is a deadly religious plot that the United States of American government and the Roman Catholic Church have united in. Its purpose is to terrorize humanity into abject submission, so that humanity will grovel in complete unresisting compliance to accept the Roman Catholic Church as the only true Church on earth whereby mankind must be saved, and worship the Virgin Mary and the Pontifex Maximus pope set up in Jerusalem as God on earth and the sovereign ruler of the world.
すべての道はローマに通ず--- はホントだった
1268年1/17 モンゴル帝国 通交を求めて来日。元寇のきっかけとなる
8月9日 長崎 原爆
8月9日 ソ連 満州侵攻
1947年の「逆コース」 今年60年の居心地
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mama to mama ママとママをつなぐ
Save Child 子供を守ろう
福島原発から 自宅までの距離計算機