事故米から検出されたカビ毒のアフラトキシンは、 「地上最強の発がん物質」 農水省は、事故米を不正転売していた三笠フーズに、 平成16~20年に96回も立ち入り調査をしている。 農水省は 判明している転売先の企業名を最初は公表せず、 次は同意を得た企業だけ公表した。 「消費者に健康被害を与える可能性がないから」だという。'08,09,12 産経 ★ ★ 『--肝臓癌の発生を示すなど非常に発ガン性が強い-- 事故米が食品メーカーに転売されて10年以上続いていた』 (wiki) ★ 三笠フーズが商社「双日」(東京都)経由で買い取った事故米で、 基準値を超える殺虫剤「アセタミプリド」が検出された うるち米約600トンは「光酒造」(福岡県)、「抜群酒造」(熊本県)、 「六調子酒造」(同)などに転売されていた。 住友商事(東京都)から購入したカビの発生した タイ米約140トンの流通経路については解明されていない。'08,09,09 読売 ★ Reports said that the firm had sold the rice, mainly from China and Vietnam, on 53 occasions over the past five years, knowing that it could dramatically improve its profit margin by disguising it as higher-quality grain. September 18 2008 guardian.co.uk ★ アストラのかまちゃん'08,09,11 『日本が中国やタイなどから輸入しているのは年間70万~80万トン。 うち、2000トンほどが残留農薬やカビ毒に汚染されているらしい。 ふつうの商取引なら、こんなコメは抗議した上で「返品」するのが常識だ。
Professor McCoy Exposes the History of CIA Interrogation: They gave them LSD and other drugs to see what effect they would have. They did that on Army soldiers through the Army Chemical Warfare Division... LSDで洗脳する行動変化実験
ElectroMagnetic Weapons Hideo Murai had worked on highly advanced microwave and gamma/cosmic-ray physics applications for cold molding of steel at the Kobe Steel laboratories. This laboratory complex was located at the near-exact epicenter of the great Kobe earthquake. Japanese investigative journalists believe that this Kobe laboratory was one of several research facilities (located at Osaka, Tsukuba and Tokyo universities) engaged in top-secret research and development of EM weapons technology under the cover of Kobe Steel industrial research and/or environmental "desert-greening" studies. With the Kobe earthquake in Japan, there was no pulse wave as in a normal earthquake
In 1946, Friedman accepted an offer to teach economic theory at the University of Chicago . Friedman would stay at the University of Chicago for the next 30 years. 御手洗氏の師匠 ミルトン・フリードマン氏は、このロックフェラーが設立したシカゴ大で30年間教鞭を執っていた。
★御手洗Mitarai's vision is the Japanese version of the "Chicago boys." He spent 23 years in the United States and is a disciple of Milton Friedman, whose ideas caused Latin America to go completely bankrupt. 内橋克人氏2007,09,24Big Corporations are Destroying People's Lives
★Obama’s Chicago BoysBy Naomi KleinJune 17, 2008ZNet The movement launched by Friedman, introduced by Ronald Reagan and entrenched under Clinton, faces a profound legitimacy crisis around the world. Nowhere is this more evident than at the University of Chicago itself...Obama—who taught law at the University of Chicago for a decade—is thoroughly embedded in the mindset known as the Chicago School.
Now is the time to worry about Obama's Chicago Boys and their commitment to fending off serious attempts at regulation.
鍋の中を心配して のぞきこんでいると 地獄の洗脳部屋が用意され⇒ 米国支配中枢が夢見る-- 『日本』のフィリピン化Yanks Invade Japan!According to rumors, Mr. Sakakibara was being made to read aloud from the works of Milton Friedman, nonstop, with his eyelids taped open. Horrible screams were heard coming from Mr. Sakakibara's cell.
〔俺様の歴史〕--ここからサルコジの動きが読める 「2008年度からフランスの小学校CM2(日本の小学校5年生に相当)の生徒に、ホロコーストの犠牲となった子供たちの名前がつづられた「Memoire de Shoah(ホロコースト記念碑)」についての感想文作成を授業に盛り込むことを発表した。
1991年、フセイン失脚を狙った米英は、あの哀れな国に残酷な国連制裁を強要した。おそらく、ナチ・ホロコーストのときのように、100万人近くの子供が死んだことだろう。(『ホロコースト産業』 Norman G. Finkelsteinノーマン・G. フィンケルスタイン両親ともにナチ強制収容所からの生還者)詳細
Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it.--60 Minutes (5/12/96) FAIR
That is, the population control movement was the same money, the same leaders, the same activities with a new excuse...crypto-eugenics, genetics or population control! John Cavanaugh-O'Keefe
If Americans knewwhat everyone needs to know about Israel/Palestine The most propagandized countryon earth, the US Sixty years of massive, ongoing, coldly calculated human rights abuses against the Palestinian people. That's the legacy of the State of Israel. Americans pay the bills for this tyranny and our hopelessly corrupt news media and elected officials go along with it because it's politically expedient.
Italy Passes Law To Fingerprint All RomaUnicef has protested that this is discriminatory and a violation of the UN's Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The Catholic magazine Famiglia Cristiana denounced the move as "an indecent and racist proposal"reminiscent of "when Jewish children were identified with a yellow star on their sleeves". いつの時代もロマ人(ジプシー)は、蚊帳の外扱いか
★The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel ..visitors to Israel are taken on carefully planned guided tours...they are taken to visit the Holocaust Museum. But, kept from the eyes of the tourists are the ghettos, the prisons where political prisoners, mostly Arabs and Sephardic Jews, are subjected to the most inhumane forms of torture. The tourists do not see the widespread crime activities and the corruption and cooperation between organized crime bosses and government and police officials. The tourists do not learn of the true inner workings of Israel's Marxist/Fascist government; nor do they see Israel's Racism...Jack Bernstein
Tigali - European leaders are ignoring French involvement in the Rwandan genocide 14 years ago, the country's foreign minister has told The Telegraph. the French government greatly helped Habyarimana's regime to prepare the course of the genocide." French soldiers took part in rape, sexual harassment and torture during the period in 1994 when 800,000 people were killed in ethnic violence.
Obama told the influential annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Council (Aipac): "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided." His comments appalled Palestinianswho see occupied East Jerusalem as part of a future Palestinian state. Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, told Al Jazeera on Thursday: "This is the worst thing to happen to us since 1967 ... he has given ammunition to extremists across the region". June 5, 2008 Indymedia
A wise man was asked, "Is there a single word which you can follow throughout all your life?"
And the wise man answered, "There is such a word. This is shu." And the meaning of this word is, "If we do not want certain things to be done to us, we should not do such things to others." --- Chinese Wisdom
Daily Thoughts to Nourish the Soul Written and Selected from the World's Sacred Texts