アレックス・ジョーンズらのsoap opera 昼メロ-芝居を
真面目に取り上げる ベンジャミン・フルフォード氏とは?
03/30/2009 以下NG
アメリカ政府が一番警戒をする真実追究サイトrense.comのホストであるJeff Rense(ジェフ・レンス)が、アメリカの大人気ラジオ番組や陰謀論サイトInfowars.comのホストAlex Jones(アレックス・ジョーンズ)を、先週「テロ」や「恐喝罪」で刑事告訴した。
アメリカの英雄同士が喧嘩することはもったいない。ジョーンズ氏は批判的な記事を書かれたことに対し、脅しをせずに記事の内容に冷静に反論をするべきだ。ま た脅しをしたことに対しては謝罪をするべき。それから彼が自分の妻や子供がユダヤ人であることを隠す必要は全くないと思う。
Three Stooges at GCN Create Another Laughable Alternative Media Soap Opera
By Greg Szymanski
The explosion between our Jesuit trio of Jones, Rense and Anderson came over an article on Rense’s site accusing Jones of being pro Zionist.
Whether the event was orchestrated or just deceptively calculated, the end result will be to bring negative attention to Rense and Jones as well as keeping the heat on the Jews for causing the world’s problems.
So Rense blames the Zionist Jews, Jones the elitist bankers.
However, both never touch the Vatican agendasince they are in business to protect Jesuitism,
a sorry fact which will lead to a fascist one world government
and one world religion.
Proof in point: Jones stays away from any Vatican or Knight of Malta criticism like the plague while Rense every now and then will run a token anti-Vatican story just to make it look good.
But both completely ignore history and ignore the true nature of the Luciferian Vatican and Jesuit hierarchy.
I know this for a fact because I stopped broadcasting on GCN and RBN networks because nobody there honsestly wants to concentrate on the Jesuit Order as well as the Vatican’s geoplotical stranglehold on the world and its spirtual false doctrine agenda.Further, if you broadcast on GCN, hosts must sign an agreement saying they will not criticize other GCN hosts, meaning nobody can talk bad about “big bad Alex.”
On the other hand,
RBN likes to fill its airtime with anti Jewish broadcasts, but isn’t it interesting that both networks really never concentrate on the Jesuit and Vatican agenda.
レンズ・コム【焦点をずらし ユダヤ人hate 憎悪へ誘導】
【イエズス会 /バチカン問題を避け 真実を隠蔽】
「Illuminati を語る者=陰謀論者=nut ばか者 変わり者」
悪いイメージの「レッテル」を張り 近寄らせない(迂回させる)
「陰謀論」=「阿呆」を 脳に叩き込む(クイズの回答のように)
Will we wake-up before Americans are herded into Knights of Malta operated work camps?
All these men directing these eight banks are White Roman Catholics... John Thain, now with Bank of America and former CEO of Merrill Lynch, known as the "Catholic" investment house of Wall Street...Bank of America, founded by the Jesuits in San Franciso, later purchased Merrill Lynch....Wells Fargo, which bank, like Bank of America, is domiciled in the Jesuit-ruled city of San Francisco. 6. James Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan/Chase, which bank was once Chemical Bank at which Knight of Malta.
I hope you caught on to the fact that
the secret power structure is toward a totalitarian socialist state (fascism).
It is not the Nazis, as they were a product of this power structure.
It is not the Jews, although some very wealthy Jews are involved.
It is not the Communists,as they fit the same category as the Nazis.
It is not the bankers,but they do play an important role.
彼は、アレックス・ジョーンズを 徹底的に批判
時に どーでもいいことに”参戦”させる-- 喧嘩上等
Andrew Winkler (ziopedia.org リンク切れ)
Gatekeepers are a bit like moles.
They infiltrate and dominate politically sensitive media
and discourses for the purpose of steering them away
from topics that could seriously harm the interests of the ruling elite.