「アメリカ」を操るイエズス会 --- タイタニック号--原爆

Jesuit New World Order, Black Nobility, Vatican, CFR, etc Part 4

Skull & Bones or The Order of Death is a Satanic secret society formed hundreds of years ago to maintain black Nobility blood behind the power of the United States when the British colonial forces retreated and gave America its independence.

Britian never gave America independence because remember, all presidents of the USA are directly descended from the royal House of Stewart and other black nobility families.

The republican & democrat party of United States are controlled by the same force just like in Britian and elsewhere.

Both Bush (republican) and John Kerry (democrat) belong to the same secret society called ‘Skull & Bones’.

Their allegiance lies not with the American people

but with Skull & Bones.

Skull & Bones HQ
A windowless building called “The-Tomb”

on the campus of Yale University.

Marquis de Lafayette

“It is my opinion that
if the liberties of this country
– the United Sates of America—are destroyed,
it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests,
for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies
to civil and religious liberty.
They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.”
--- Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general, served in the American Continental Army under General George Washington)


Jesuit New World Order, Black Nobility, Vatican, CFR, etc Part 3

With the Titanic packed full of Roman Catholics,
this was the perfect crime
because after all, who would suspect the Roman
catholic Church
to order the sinking of a ship that had
thousands of "their own" on board?

The Jesuits swear by the rule of "the end justifies the means."

このやり方は 原爆のターゲットが カトリック教会であったことと重なる。

目的のために手段は厭わない--- 結果 物の見事に化けている i.e.,
アメリカを批判する記事は出ても イエズス会/Illuminati/Vaticanは安泰



目標から1キロほど外 れたことに対しては後悔している」と語っている。
三菱の軍事工場 は、

そ して原爆投下地点から約1キロの地点には、

In 1910, seven men met on Jekyll Island just off the coast of Georgia to plan the Federal Reserve Bank. Nelson Aldrich and Frank Valderclip represented the Rockefeller(Illuminati) financial empire.Henry Davidoson, Charles Norton and
Benjamin Storong represented J.P. Morgan(Illuminati)

Paul Warberg (Illuminati) represented

the Rothschilds(Illuminati) Banking Dynasty of Europe.

The Rothschilds were the banking agents for the Jesuits and hold
‘the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church.’

The Morgan gang, the Rothschilds gang and the Rockefeller gang

were fierce competitors yet entered joint ventured.

They were to establish the national banking cartel called the
Federal Reserve System...

But there was a problem.

Three of the richest people in the world opposed the Illuminati/Jesuits’ plan to establish a central bank in the United States because they knew what would happen to America if this happened. Also these people would most likely of
also tried to stop the Jesuits’plan to engineer World War I.

These three people were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss and John Jacob Astor.

The Jesuits were determined to create the Federal Reserve Bank in America and so they HAD to somehow get rid of these three people.

These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the Titanic.
Not only were these enemies of the Jesuits against a Federal Reserve Bank, but they would have used their wealth and influence to oppose World War I.

Construction of the Titanic began in 1909 at a shipyard in Belfast, Ireland.
Belfast was Protestant and hated by the Jesuits.
Morgan took control of the White Star Lines. The Jesuits ordered J.P. Morgan to build the Titanic. From the very beginning of the luxury liner, the Titanic was destined for doom.

Edward Smith was the captain of the Titanic.
He had worked for Jesuit, J.P. Morgan, for many years.
He was a ‘Jesuit temporal coadjutor.’

When the Titanic departed from Southern England on April 10,1912, Francis Browne, the Jesuit master of Edward Smith, boarded the Titanic.

This man was the most powerful Jesuit in all of Ireland and answered directly to the general of the Jesuit Order in Rome.

The next day Titanic made her LAST stop off the coast of Queenstown, Ireland.
Here the lucky father Browne disembarked.

--- With all opposition out of the way, there was nothing to stop the Jesuits from establishing complete monopoly over the money and credit supply, and thus, control of the United States of America and on Dec. 23rd 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in to effect.

The Federal reserve creates and issues money in the United States.

Federal notes are not worth the paper they are printed on because there is nothing whatsoever backing the money such as gold or silver.

The US government receives its money from the Fed and with it, an interest rate so high that national debt is assured.

Dependency= control

That is how the Jesuits, alongside their Illuminati partners, gained control of the United States of America... by creating a central bank with complete monopoly over the money supply of the country.

The Federal reserve Bank

The Fed is NOT owned by the U.S. government.
It is PRIVATELY owned by European Illuminati black nobility families such as the Rockefellers, Morgans and the guardians of the Vatican’s Treasury—the Rothschilds.


The Sinkinf of the Titanic

JFK Blows The Whistle on Secret Societies!

Daniel by Charlene Fortsch

President Kennedy began pulling troops from South Vietnam.
The Papacy strongly objected to this,
and President Kennedy was gunned down.

The very next day, Memorandum 278 was signed,
which reversed Kennedy's decision
to deescalate the war in South Vietnam.1980:

By this year all major religious organizations have been infiltrated
and taken over by the Jesuits.

According to Ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera,
all the mainstream churches were taken over by 1980.


Alberto Rivera (Ex-Jesuit Priest)

The Late Jesuit Fr. Alberto Rivera's wife,
Nury, Refuses Vatican Bribes

By Greg Szymanski 7 Mar 2007

After her husband was killed for trying to tell the truth about Vatican and Jesuit Order evil doings, Vatican offered Mrs. Rivera $1 million if she signed a paper saying her husband was delusional and insane. Refusing, her life was then threatened many times, but she continues in spite of threats,

trying to inform the world of the satanic nature of the Vatican.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

A Philosophical dictionary, Volume 2

By Voltaire 1764


We have ran to Macao, to the land of Yesso, and to California; we would go to the moon with Astolpho if we had his hippogriff. Is this curiosity, restlessness of mind, or a real necessity? As soon as the Europeans had cleared the Cape of Good Hope, the Propaganda flattered itself with subjugating and converting all the neighbouring people of the eastern seas.

We traded with Asia, sword in hand, and every nation of the west, by turns, dispatched merchants, soldiers, and priests.

Let us engrave on the turbulent brains of these adventurers the memorable words of the Emperor Yon-chin, when he drove all the Jesuit missionaries and others from his empire, that they may be written on the gates of all the convents: “What would you say if we were to go into your country under the pretense of traffic, and tell your people that your religion is worthless, and that they must absolutely embrace ours?”

That is however what the Latin church has done throughout the earth.

It cost Japan dear:
it was on the point of being drowned in its own blood like Mexico and Peru.

There were in the islands of Japan twelve religions, which lived together very peaceably. Missionaries arrived from Portugal, and asked to make the thirteenth:
they were answered, that they were very welcome,
and that they could not have too many.

Thus monks were soon established at Japan with the title of bishops.
Scarcely was their religion admitted for the thirteenth,
than it would be the only one.

One of these bishops
having in his way met a counselor of state,
disputed the path with him.

He maintained that he was of the first order of the state,
and that the counselor, being but the second, owed him much respect.

The Japanese are much more haughty than humble.

The monk-bishop and some Christians were driven away
in the year 1586. Soon after the Christian religion was proscribed.

The missionaries humbled themselves,

asked pardon,obtained grace, and abused it.

Finally, in 1637, the Dutch having taken a vessel which sailed from Japan to Lisbon, they found in it letters from one named Moro, Consul of Spain to Nangazaqui.(NAGASAKI)These letters contained the plan of a conspiracy of the Christians of Japan to possess themselves of the country, and specified the number of vessels which were to come from Europe and Asia to aid this enterprise.

The Dutch failed not to forward these letters to the government. Moro was seized: he was obliged to confess his crime, and was juridically condemned to be burnt.
All the converts of the Jesuits and Dominicans then took arms, to the number of thirty thousand; a dreadful civil was followed, and the
se Christians were all exterminated.*

Japan and Holland where friends in the time both our countries would expel the papists. I know many, have met many clergy, and they are insulted by the truth. Catholics are rich and powerful, and pose as their enemies, in order to give their enemies a bad reputation. Catholics posing as Jews, Dutch Reformed, Adventists, Calvinists. I saw these things amongst the Roman Catholics from childhood on, so I would understand quickly that Alberto Rivera and Eric Jon Phelps where telling the truth! SCHOOIERS

-- NAGASAKI Hiroshima -【原爆-the Jesuits payback?


The French Revolution

Weishaupt's Illuminati quickly gained ground, which is not surprising, given its connections with powerful Jesuits and European Freemasonry.

The first target of Weishaupt's revolution strategy was the destruction of the French monarchy.

It largely served as revenge for France's suppression of the Jesuits.


...why the decision was made to drop the second Atomic bomb on a small fishing village called Nagasaki—with no known historical or military value except being the former property of the Jesuits before their 1st expulsion from Japan—may not have crossed your mind as strange either.

Incidentally, some readers/listeners may be interested to know that Tehran from Ter’gan (Hebrew for “blessed garden”) is also a former Jesuit trading settlement granted in 1548 by Safavid Tahmasp I –but rejected by Mohammad Reza Shah in the 1960’s and also later the Ayatollahs of the Revolutionary Guard. If and when WWIII moves to the nuclear phase you can bet 100% that the prime target for the Jesuits will be complete destruction of Tehran...Greg Szymanski.JD


The Secret History of Jesuits (PDF) Edmond Paris 

...The following year, the Fathers settled at Nagasaki.

They pretended to have converted 100,000 Japanese. In 1587, the internal situation of the land, torn apart by clan wars, changed entirely. (reformation.org Not many years after the first Catholic missionaries appeared, Japanese civil rulers began to realize that the Catholic Church was not only a religion, but a political power intimately connected with the imperialistic expansion of Catholic countries like Portugal, Spain, and other Western nations.The nefarious tenet of Catholicism that only Catholic truth is right and that error must not be tolerated began to produce its fruits in newly discovered Japan. Whenever Catholic converts were made and Catholic communities expanded, Catholic intolerance raised its head. Whenever Japanese Catholics formed a majority, the Buddhists and members of other local faiths suffered. Not only were they boycotted, but their temples were closed and, when not destroyed, were seized and converted into churches. In numerous cases Buddhists were forcibly compelled to become "Christians," their refusal resulting in loss of property and even of life. Faced with such behavior, the tolerant attitude of the Japanese rulers began to change. )"The Jesuits had taken advantage of that anarchy and their close relations with Portuguese merchants."

Hideyoshi, a man of low birth, had usurped power and taken the title of Taikosama. He distrusted the Jesuits' political influence, their association with the Portuguese and their connections with the great and wild vassals, the Samourai.

In consequence, the young Japanese Church was violently persecuted, sixFranciscans and three Jesuits were crucified; many converts weremurdered and the Order was banished.Nevertheless, the decree was not carried out. The Jesuits continued their apostolate in secret.

But, in 1614, the first Shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu,became uneasy with their occult actions and the persecution started again.Besides, the Dutch had taken the place of the Portuguese at the business'counters and were closely watched by the government. A profound distrust of all foreigners, ecclesiastics or laymen inspired from then on the conduct ofleaders and, in 1638, a rebellion of the Nagasaki Christians was drowned in blood. For the Jesuits, the Japanese adventure had come to an end, and was to remain so for a long time.


Masons and Mystery at the 33rd Parallel
By Day Williams

...two cities close to the 33rd Parallel, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

卍と十と六芒星 --SP


そのトップにあげられるの が、「ケネディの暗殺」で、

儀式に基づくものだったというの だ。

中国西部チベット族 自治州 地震 
北緯33.1度 2010414
福岡市西区玄界島 地震 北緯33.7 2005年3月20日

The New World Order Scam
The Significance of Numbers to Occultists
Ramzi Yousef, the ringleader of the WTC 1993 attack, has Eleven letters. President Bush ordered all American flags to fly at half-staff through 11-22 (and the latter is twice Eleven). Thus, for Eleven days the flags flew at half-staff. The 1st World War was ended on the 11th our of the 11th day of the 11th MONTH. Did someone want to tune into Elevens? President Kennedy was assassinated on 11-22, on the 33rd parallel. The number Eleven constitutes an OCCULT SIGNATURE. Occultists everywhere knew exxactly who had orchestrated the assassination, just as occultists everywhere knew who had orchestrated 9-11. Occultists!

JFK Assassinated on 33rd parallel on "11/22"/1963-- 11 plus 22 is "33"
Exactly "13" months after his "13" days of October speech on 10/"22"/1962

Hiroshima Japan
Borders 33rd Earth parallel
Enola Gay mission #"13"
3 day later, Nagasaki

FREEMASONIC Master Numbers.. 11, 13


The shadowy "illuminati" was in fact founded by a Catholic Jesuit,
a professor of Cannon Law, who was working for the Pope
- Adam Weishaupt.


テレビ伝道師 ---テレビ神 通俗の神々


A Philosophical dictionary, Volume 2
By Voltaire 1764

* The Dutch, for the reward of their service, obtained, as is well known, the liberty of exclusively trading with Japan, on condition that they would never exhibit any sign of Christianity; and from that time they have been faithful to their promise.
I wish it were permitted me to ask these missionaries, after having administered to the destruction of so many people in America, their reason for doing the same thing, for the greater glory of God, at the extremities of the east?

If it were possible for devils to be released from hell to visit and ravage the earth, would they act otherwise? Is this to illustrate the text, “compel them to come in?” Is it thus that Christian mildness manifests itself? Is this the road to eternal life?

Readers, combine the recollection of this adventure with that of so many more.
---Reflect and judge!

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

-- 想起:

"Rulers of Evil"
By F.Tupper Saussy

pp. 149-151
The fact that Americans were trained and habituated to
oppose the British Crown and the Church of England not by
Roman Catholics but by Protestant churchmen is, to my mind,
proof of the Sun-Tzuan ingenuity of Lorenzo Ricci....
A decade after the American bishop scare had broken out,
thousands of American Protestant and Catholic churchgoers
began killing and being killed to win The War That Would Keep
Anglican Bishops Out of America. And they won this war.

But the utterly stupefying outcome of their victory was
that no bishops were kept out of America:

two bishops were brought into America,
an Anglican and a Roman Catholic!
The Roman Catholic, of course, was John Carroll.

-- 想起:

By Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.


The United States was most eager to obtain his expertise. In a deal arranged by General Douglas MacArthur—a man who twenty years earlier had ordered his soldiers to shoot U.S. workers who had gone on strike for better wages— Ishii became an invited lecturer at the U.S. Army bio-weapons center in Frederick, Maryland. The U.S. Army also obtained over 10,000 pages of Ishii’s “research findings.”

Nazi know-how was also exploited by the CIA and U.S. government. For example, at the close of World War II, U.S, Intelligence agencies raided the labs and offices of IG Farben, the German conglomerate which produced a number of nerve agents. Hundreds of Farben doctors and Nazi research scientists were recruited by Dulles and friends.

Although many Nazi doctors were hanged, just as many became agents of the CIA and United States government, including Walter Schreiber, who helped conduct many of the Nazi medical experiments at Dachau. Yet another famous Nazi, Dr. Josef Mengele—the ultra-sadistic “angel of death”— also began working for the good ‘ol USA.

-- 想起:

By Pastor Alamo

The whole world of ungodly people, those who are deceived,
wish to remain evil and worship the beast,
the devil's Roman Catholic, Muslim government.

Roman Catholicism founded Islam to do the dirty work for
the Vatican's present day world rulers.

-- 想起:

Trained by the Jesuits but later turning on them,

Voltaire had this to say about their occupancy in France:

"I really must plume myself for having been the first to attack the Jesuits...Once France is purged of the Jesuits, we can hope that people will realize how shameful it is to be subject to that stupid power, the Church, that set them up."

Voltaire estimated about 6,000 books have been written about the Jesuits and their devious involvement in worldwide political intrigue and assassinations

Which raises the question: “What number have we reached approximately 300 years later?”

The reason they are missing or found only in specialized bookstores is because Jesuits and their loyal followers have systematically taken them out of circulation and out of reach from most readers. Source



渡部悌治(わたなべ ていじ)氏 
『ユダヤは日本に何をしたか』 以下抜粋


Pope: Roman Catholic 'Church' only one true church
The false religion of Romanism is NOT Biblical Christianity, but is in fact a "Christianized" form of the ancient pagan religion of historical Babylon.

魂 を支配することによって、

天文18(1549)年  夏

改宗させ れば、巨億の富が入ると思い定め、
日本の首都を目指して マラッカを出帆(しゅっぱん)

い ずれもザビエルと大同小異の心組みで訪れてきたのである。
日本人を奴隷として売り渡した り、

ついには 島原の民百姓を煽動して 大乱を起こさせている。

しかも 原城に立て籠(こ)もって死 んだ遺骸(いがい)には、

この 信心深い素朴な人々の



煽(あお)るだけ煽りたてて 死にいたらしめ、

自分たちは とっくに 逃げうせてしまったのである。

日本は敵に 対する防衛の策に出たのである。
そ れを 「切支丹(キリシタン)迫害」とは 何ごとであろう。

広島・長崎 爆心地に居ながら生還する謎のイエズス会士たち

Fallujah's Sick Babies

By William Blum 訳:益岡賢氏

終わらない侵略の罪 ----イラク
地元の技師は2005年、ワシント ン・ポスト紙にこう語っていた。


新生児の心臓欠 損がヨーロッパと比べて13倍も多いという。

---contemporary navigation



検査の度に通常あり得ない数値が出てくると言っ ています。
「もちろん、白血病もあり得るかもしれないよ、被爆2世のお約束だよ。考えないよう にしているけどね。」


... under the guise of "PEACE AND SECURITY"

リスボン条約 ---- NWO ---- 2012 ---

オバマ政権による無人機を使った標的殺害は、その地域も対象者の数も、ブッシュ政権時代を上回る規模だ」。元米海軍幹部(情報担当)のウェイン・ マドスン氏が指摘する。

オバマ大統領は就任以来、アフガンに計5万人余りを増派した。だが09年の戦闘による米兵死者(263人)は、08年(132人)の2倍。今年3 月末までにすでに76人が死亡し、過去最悪のペースを更新し続けている。


I (Michael Travesser)received this in the mail today:

I read an article in the LA Times today that reported that the U.S. is now using 7,000 remote controlled aircraft, mostly in Afghanistan and the tribal areas of Pakistan. The U.S. is not at war with Pakistan but is conducting extrajudicial killings there via pilotless drones, controlled remotely from a base in Nevada.

In another article I read where a suicide bomber had killed seven CIA agents at a secret base in Afghanistan near the Pakistani border. Soon afterwards U.S. drones killed 100 people in 15 separate reprisal attacks in Pakistan.

President Obama ordered more killings by drone in the first year of his office than George Bush did in his entire presidency. (⇒The use of the drones has also expanded in Afghanistan. Every day, the Air Force now flies at least 20 Predator drones — twice as many as a year ago. They are mostly used for surveillance, but have also carried out more than 200 strikes over the last year May9.2010 Pakistan Daily)

---WSWS.org by Keith Jones 1 October 2010

Pakistan has been devastated by floods since late July, with more than 20 million people, at least half of them children, affected. In terms of the numbers of persons displaced and in need of emergency food and medical aid, the UN has repeatedly described the Pakistan floods as the greatest humanitarian disaster in its 65-year history.

Yet during this period the US under President Barrack Obama has dramatically intensified drone attacks inside Pakistan, with more than 20 staged last month alone. The repeated violations of Pakistani sovereignty by NATO helicopters over the past week are clearly part of this new more aggressive posture.

Under conditions where the Afghan war is highly unpopular in both Europe and North America, Washington is anxious to have Pakistani troops do as much of the fighting and dying as possible.

The Pakistani military, it need be added, is infamous for its use of indiscriminate violence, including blanket bombing and collective punishments on villages and areas deemed supportive of the insurgency.

The decades-long partnership between Washington and Islamabad and the Pentagon and the Pakistani military has proven disastrous for the Pakistani people.
The Catholic Church is not Christian at all

---想起:SUB PROJECTS UNDER PROJECT AQUARIUS - (TS/ORCON) PROJECT SNOWBIRD: (PROWORD: CETUS) Originally established in 1972. Its mission was to test fly a recovered alien aircraft. This project is continuing in Nevada. (OPR: USAF/NSA/CIA/MJ12)


---想起:米兵を蝕むTBI(外傷性脳損傷)- YouTube


The FOX TV series The Lone Gunmen
(X-Files spin off) airs their opening episode
"Pilot" six months before 9/11
which depicts a secret U.S. government agency behind a plot
to crash a Boeing 727 into the WTC via remote control
and blame it on foreign terrorists
in the hopes of generating a bigger military budget.

"PILOT"Episode #1AEB79Original air
date 03/04/2001
"They're going to crash the plane into the World Trade Center."

Why didn't that media
pick up on this bizarre coincidence of life imitating art?

見事的中 September 11, 2001 attacks

★     ★     ★

Concerning the detonations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I have stated in my book that both were ground detonations set up by Jesuits on site. One of those Jesuits was Pedro Arrupe who later became the Jesuit General. The bombs that were dropped by the B-29s were magnesium flash bombs with uranium or plutonium contained therein so as to give the illusion that "atomic" bombs were dropped over those cities. When the flash bombs detonated above the sites, the Jesuits on the ground and shielded beneath the atomic devices, then detonated the atomic devices. First came the flash, then came the detonation on the ground. At Hiroshima, five Jesuits emerged from ground zero unscathed and attributed their survival to "a miracle of the Virgin Mary." I have said nothing about a black magic nuclear bomb...
Eric Jon Phelps

The world government is Roman Catholic, powered by Satan!
(Rev. 13:1-4).

The UN is run by the evil power of what God calls the great red dragon, the old serpent, the devil, Satan. The serpent, or devil, has given this evil power and evil way of thinking to the Vatican.
The dragon's seat, the devil's seat, is the city of the seven hills, or mountains, which is Rome. "And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, or which the woman 〔the whore, Rome〕 sitteth" (Rev. 17:9)

The Roman Catholics, the devil, and his army of millions of fallen angels are as evil as can possibly be. They know that they have only a very short time before they are all cast into the Lake of Fire (Rev. 14:10, 19:20, 20:10, 14-15, 21:8).---

The trouble in the world, God says, is from Satan, the devil, and his cult in Rome, his government worldwide, and his mouth, the worldwide media.

I, and millions of others, have pictures of Catholic priests and nuns in parades wearing Nazi armbands and carrying Nazi flags with the swastikas! The depraved Nazis and other Germans believed the satanic propaganda about the Jews, and the whole nation hunted them down, arresting them as if they were rabid dogs. This hatred was the result of a brainwashing promotion by the Vatican's media.---

(Rome insists to this day they had no dealings with Hitler whatsoever. Yet how do they explain these old photos? How do they explain Hitler's praise for them in the following quotes? And how do they explain Hitler's global "terminology" becoming commonplace today?---'My new order', Adolf Hitler, Proclamation to the German Nation at Berlin, February1, 1933--Is it any wonder the term "New World Order" is so prevalent today? Source)

All American presidents since before F.D.R. have been Jesuit Catholics, subversive to our land, our laws, the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence.

We are living through an economic collapse caused by Catholic instruction to investment banks and the "Federal" Reserve system, all of which are owned subsidiaries of the Jesuit Catholic order and their inbred Illuminati coadjutors (assistants).

The purpose of electing Barack Obama to the presidency is to further the Jesuit order's purpose-- to enact and enforce the demonic Roman Catholic Council of Trent in America and to totally eliminate the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the genuine fundamental Protestantism, Christianity...
by Tony Alamo "TREASON" (PDF)

Remember well! The French Revolution is nothing less than a prototype of what the whole world is soon to be plunged into.

If Rome has cleverly deceived the world of her innocence of the atrocities of the French Revolution,
she will surely appear like an angel of mercy for what is to come...
The Grand Design Exposed” by John Daniel; pg.262 

続き...1人でも地球のた めに出来ること--良い念を送る

原発で働く側の身-- 原発地帯に住む身--派遣の身


鎌田慧氏 『ひとり起つ』 以下抜粋


そのあと流れついた先で ガンや白血病患者となって死に絶える




闇から脱することは できない。
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆  ☆
2009年4月28日 原子力資料情報室 (CNIC)




内橋克人氏 ビジネス展望(ラジオ)'09,07,21
小泉政権が 改革の名において実行してきた新自由主義改革
小泉時代に仕組まれた改革の しっぺ返し が 
時を隔てて 炸裂の時を迎えている。

1.富裕層優遇減税 断行 
所得再分配政策を拒否 最高累進課税を低くした
企業にとって 有利な労働力を 大量に”合法的”に 生み出した

国際競争力強化、グローバル化への対応 といった大義名分で強行
1.生きていく安全性が 保障されねばならない(物理的にも経済的にも) 
3.ある階層だけを排除していく といったような 社会的排除が無い
「派遣労働が無ければ 企業は成り立たない」、
これは トリック(レトリック)だと思う。

実態は 労働の差別化
--たとえば 社会的保障体系から排除された極めて低いコストの労働力を

未だに 派遣労働を 労働の多様化だという労働経済学者がいるが
これは きちんとした学問体系でもって考え直していただきたい。

先進国の中で 最悪の数字。
実に8割近い失業者が 失業保険を受けていない

負の衝撃が集中しているのが 今の社会の明らかな現実。
社会的弱者に収斂(しゅうれん=集約)していく という
その上 絶えず 社会的弱者を生み出していく構造が 
労働者派遣法 改正案 廃案---
企業としての 成立要件--- 社会的責任etc. が今、問われている。



Capital must protect itself in every way ... Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the STRONG ARM OF THE LAW (Cops) applied by the central power of leading financiers.

People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.

This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as TEACHERS OF THE COMMON HERD. (Taken from the Civil Servants' Year Book, "The Organizer" Jan. 1934.)


Will we wake-up before Americans are herded into Knights of Malta operated work camps?


Of the nine banks to receive monies from the US Congress via the Federal Reserve Bank, only one is headed by a Jew, Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, which entity is controlled by the Knights of Malta, including Geoffrey T. Boisi.

The White Gentiles running the other eight American banks for the papacy are:

1. John J. Mack, Chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley.

2. John Thain, now with Bank of America and former CEO of Merrill Lynch, known as the "Catholic" investment house of Wall Street. Merrill Lynch was bought by Bank of America but is still to receive monies from the Fed.

3. Kenneth D. Lewis, Chairman and CEO of Bank of America, founded by the Jesuits in San Franciso, later purchased Merrill Lynch.

4. Sir Wilhelm Bishoff, CEO of Citigroup built by the Jew, Sandford I. Weill. Bishoff holds both German and British citizenship.

5. John Stumf, CEO of Wells Fargo which recently purchased Wachovia. Robert Steel was the CEO of Wachovia. Dick Kovanivich is the Chairman of Wells Fargo, which bank, like Bank of America, is domiciled in the Jesuit-ruled city of San Francisco.

6. James Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan/Chase, which bank was once Chemical Bank at which Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace did his banking with his company, W. R. Grace & Co. JP Morgan Chase purchased Washington Mutual Savings Bank for 1.9 Billion USD after Kerriy Killinger stepped down as CEO and was replaced by a Jew, Alan Fishman, who then was the notable head of the bank when it was brought into bankrupcy. Fishman received $19 Billion for three weeks work at the bank before its collapse---for the benefit of JP Morgan/Chase.

7. Robert P. Kelly, CEO of Bank of New York Mellon, trained by Jesuits at St. Mary's University at Halifax, Nova Scotia.

8. Ronald Logue, CEO/Chariman of State Street Corp., trained by Jesuits at Boston College and is on the Federal Reserve Board of Directors for the Fed Bank of Boston.

All these men directing these eight banks are White Roman Catholics.

The other notorious Jew involved in the collapse was Richard Fuld, CEO of Lehman Brothers (known as the Jewish house on Wall Street). Fuld is a CFR member and a member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York City.
Fuld betrayed his own Jewish people with Lehman
as well as the Jews in general to be blamed for this financial debacle.

    One World Government --One World Order

"Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper
The secret power structure is toward a totalitarian socialist state (fascism).
It is not the Jews, although some very wealthy Jews are involved.


The Rothschilds were Jesuits who used their Jewish background
as a facade to cover their sinister activities.

The Jesuits, working through Rothschild and Biddle,
sought to gain control of the banking system of the United States.

ヒエラルキー(身分階層制)purpose------Destroying American Empire
★     ★     ★
9月10日 時事通信

9月19日 asahi.com
元下請け作業員 祝島の磯部さん  



★     ★     ★

...the Pontiff (ローマ法王)continues as the major owner in nuclear power utility firms in the U.S., including Commonwealth Edison and Florida Power [through a Dutch front for the Vatican, called Robeco.] Under the Atomic Energy Act, it is illegal for a FOREIGN entity, such as the Vatican, to own nuclear facilities in America. The law is not enforced. Source