
『次の超大国は中国だと ロックフェラーが決めた 上』

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『次の超大国は中国だと ロックフェラーが決めた 上』
ヴィクター・ソーン著 副島隆彦氏 翻訳責任編集

キャロル・キグリー『悲劇と希望』tragedy and hope からの引用


米空軍は 1945年3月9日、大胆不敵な実験を行なった(東京大空襲)


積載する焼夷弾の量を 増やした。
(焼夷弾=しょういだん 敵の建造物や陣地を焼くことを目的とした爆弾)

焼夷弾が相手では あまりに弱すぎた。
機銃の代わりに 1900トンの爆弾を搭載した爆撃機は
低空飛行で 東京を空襲した。


東京中心部は およそ40平方キロメートルにわたって焼失



☆     ☆     ☆

膨大な額のカネが 日本に流れ込んだ。

これの使途は 何だったのか。





どこから来たのか という点である。




なおかつ 戦後にぼろ儲けしたのと 


念のために言うと、彼らは 第一次大戦、ボルシェビキ革命、
ナチスの権力掌握に カネを出した人間たちでもある。


この 同じ人間たちだ。


--想起:The Vatican Holocaust--Part Ⅲ

"The Machine of Perpetual Evil"

When Pope Pius XII teamed up with the Jesuit Superior General Count Wladimir Ledochowski prior to 1939 to implement the "Final Solution" -- to sacrifice millions of innocent people to satanic gods -- they could not possibly have imagined the plan would go so well.

It is no wonder -- in spite of all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary -- that the Roman Catholic Church desperately wants to announce the sainthood of Pope Pius XII - arguably the single most evil man of the 20th Century and Hitler's patron, mentor and controller...

Archbishop Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) did mentor Hitler to join the DAP, did arrange form him to report to him regularly (at least each month, sometimes weekly) until Pacelli appointment of Vatican Cardinal Secretary of State in 1929 and did provide all the financial support and means for Hitler’s rise to Chairman of the NSDAP in 28 July 1921. Furthermore, that Archbishop Pacelli did use the gold brought in to Germany in 1917 to help fund the rapid expansion of the Nazi Party, including its first reform as a paramilitary organization in 1921.

Of establishing an unlawful enterprise for the purpose of crime (1921 – 1945): That Archbishop Pacelli later Pope Pius XII on instructions from Superior General Wlodimir Ledochowski did instruct Adolf Hitler in 1921 to establish a paramilitary wing to the NSDAP to be known as the Sturmabteilung (SA) also known as Storm Troopers. That Jesuit priests did train the first recruits of the SA in espionage, counter intelligence, assassination and propaganda. That the purpose of the SA was to assist in the control of organized protests, riots, intimidation of opponents and political assassinations.

Of the single greatest crime against humanity in the history of all humanity: (1939-1945) That Pope Pius XII with the full knowledge and tacit support of Jesuit Superor-General Wlodimir Ledochowski did hand to the Hitler and Himmler a complete blueprint for the systematic elimination of key non-Catholic minorities across Europe as well as the establishment of death camps for their murder. Furthermore, the Pope did instruct that ethnic Jews and other heretics were not simply to be murdered, but ritually sacrificed by being burnt alive, consistent with church law on the penalty of heresy. That this plan was to commence immediately and be overseen by the full Jesuit ordained priests of the SS. This plan was called the Final Solution.

